Sabtu, 29 Agustus 2009

Aglaonema treatment of seizures and bacteria

IV. Personal attacks of fungi and bacteria

Attack bacteria and fungi, are the two things that most “frightening” Aglaonema against us. Attack the disease was not invited, and salvo also assorted that certainly can not be viewed. So that preventive action / preventive better than the mengobatinya.

Sometimes penularannya from fellow Aglaonema the sick, or from other plants around the environment where we, or the media through the acid, can also spread through the influence of the hands that have touched other plants are sick.
For the prevention / preventive, if seen from the literature itself De Bao (, the results of research Unversitas California United States, among other produce, baode have the ability to be able to perform preventive action to prevent attacks from fungi and bacteria. As written from the concerned parties: “… … resist and prevent diseases, promote the crops to grow. BDTM fungus through the competition of the space and nutrition, suppress harmful microorganism such as pathogen to breed; through resisting function, suppress or kill pathogens, form a biological barrier in the root border, prevent the invasion of pathogens, fixing, play a role in reducing disease (especially the soil-like disease). Test by The American University of California, it indicates BDTM following can prevent the virus from germinas and infract crops: Bacterium: Erwina Hrysanthemi, Clavibacter Michiganense, Pseudomonas Solanceraum, Xanthomonas, Erwinia Carotovora, Pseudomonas Syringae, Eriwinia Carotovoral Subsp Carotovra, Xanthomonas Campestris PV Oryzae, Pseudomonas Syringe pv, Lachrynians. Epiphyte: Aspergillus, Chaetomium sp., Phytophthora Citrophthora, Phytophthora parasitica, Phythium Ultimum, Phytophthora cinnamomi, Bipolairs sp., Magna Colletotrichum, Verticillium Albo-atrum Phytophtora Cactorum, Rhizoctonia Solani, Verticillium sp., Pyrhium Aphanidermatum, Sclerotium Rolfsii Fusarium Oxysporum, Cephalosporium sp., Phytophthora Cirticola, Verticillium Dahliae, Fusarium Oxysporum f.sp.niveum, Pellicularia Sasakii, Phytophthora Parasiti Virus: Tobacco mosaic virus, Potato virus, Cucumber mosaic virus, etc … …
In the pathogen above, a great part is a main pathogen of the disease of crops … …. ”

But not a guarantee, because not made Baode as anti fungus or anti bekteri (anti-bacterial drugs / fungi are also not guaranteed). However, during this, the use of anti-fungus and anti-bacteria in our place, can not use it spelled out, we are trying to “rely on” support from other baode course, and the results can be spelled out support for prevention.
For readers who want more confident and with anti-fungus and bacteria dipasaran, following advice from us (that may be recommended):
For prevention of fungus mapun good bacteria, use 2 weeks or once a month with half of the dose of the product.
For prevention, use anti-fungi (fungicide) or anti-bacterial (bacterisida) labeled NON systemic in packaging. To non-systemic that is true for prevention against the disease to healthy Aglaonema so not to heal.
Aglaonema treatment for the disease has been by or for the mushroom, must be discrete serangannya, whether because of fungus or bacteria, not to the disease because the fungus mengobatinya with bacterisida also vice versa. For the reference please find a more expert bout that really can detect salvo, the use of medicine can be targeted. Fungi or bacteria-kah-kah?
Aglaonema for treatment that has fell ill, after the known causes bacteria or fungi, or use bakterisida systemic fungicide labeled in the packaging. For this type of systemic, that is created to help the healing process is not prevention!
Before treat agalonema from disease attack, first do the demolition and the media MUST be replaced with a new one. On the parts that fell ill MUST be removed first, either leaves or roots or tuber. After that, wash it all clean, then the rendam root and tuber with a solvent or bakterisida or systemic fungicide if necessary rendam all parts of the plant during the 15-30menit. After that, the plant again after Aglaonema soaked in the media and the maritime sirami / guyur media with a solvent bakterisida or systemic fungicide. Then store in shade, but not too quiet and not humid. After 2-3 days, often seringlanh-dried in the morning until noon. No sprinkling is done for 1 week from the first day.
For trademarks, Bakterisida while systemic fungicide in a single package are Bactocyn. Can be used an alternative option that is not confusing because of the attack the bacteria or fungi.
While for the pest-insect pests such as and others, use of plant medicines with Lambung DIRECT CONTACT. (not discussed here)

Warning! For users baode, the use of fungicide or bakterisida, MUST be 5 days of intermittent use Baode Roots.

V. Conclusion
Tips from the so-www.fai hopefully useful for all of us, all criticism, suggestions, additional, or more innovative ideas, we open and please contact to
Including when there is a question please.
Description The last of us is here to serve us for the purposes of sharing information among themselves, so that fellow penggemat Aglaonema, we can keep the spirit and not despair of rapid previous experience. Hopefully this information is very useful for all readers. For products other than Baode that tersebutkan above, we do not have any relationship with the manufacturers. When there are words that are less well or even not qualified, please submit our ma’af, hopefully criticism from readers who can help improve the build quality of this writing. Salam Aglaonema Queen of the leaves …


Jumat, 28 Agustus 2009

Wrong Way To nursery Anthurium

Anthurium Plant

mom%27s%20garden%20%2811%29 Anthurium Plant

Anthurium In actual treatment does not require special measures that are difficult to do, but it’s still a lot of beginners, especially hobiis still complain that Anthuriumnya the pest or disease interference mushrooms, shrimp and pale leaves, and root rot occur stem, leaf shoots grow abnormal, stalk lengthwise Unlike other similar Anthurium, ear can not be, and much more.
In general, the interference in sebabkan some error as follows:

1. Too often disiram
The penghobi usually too pity on trees and sprinkling too often for fear Anthuriumnya experiencing drought. Indeed, at the top of the media to dry quickly, but they do not check the moisture in the media. This can be anticipated in the media using the plant seporous may perforate the side pot and needs to air on the roots. Anthurium only requires a humidity awake, not the media who continue to wet. Anthurium can absorb food through the air because it does not give the media too dense to keep the air in the media layout remains awake. Before the flush, you can immerse your finger in the media, when the still feels moist sprinkling should be suspended first.
anthurium%20%20%288%29 Anthurium Plant
2. Crop plants the fear that pain
If you experience interference, such as leaves arise The speck is severe enough, the penghobi feel pity to cut the pain. They do expect treatment that is damaged leaves (yellow, dry) back into green. Note if the damage is severe it is cut directly in the course, because the disease is very fast, especially the type of jenmanii. Anthurium the pain that will result in slow growth, so you better do not hesitate to cut the pain but the new shoots can grow more quickly.

3. Afraid to check the root of health
Hobiis often afraid to disassemble the media to check the root of health Anthurium, they unload the media and late root rot is severe, the level of severe root rot can be seen with the growth stops and the leaves began to turn old. The root of healthy is very important for optimum growth of Anthurium, when the roots are still too few in the healing and nutrition will be used for root growth first, so that shoot growth until the roots will stop growing quite a lot. So do check regularly and roots do not be afraid if Anthurium akan stress demolished when the medium, which is important to maintain the root not to drop out when loading the media.

4. Hesitate to do the repotting
The size pot should always be adjusted with the large plant, generally the hobiis let Anthurium grow big pot but not replaced. The roots can not happen to grow freely and mutually involve each other because of the growth is the root of the border pot, this is the Anthurium disrupted growth mainly on the size of the parent that prevent the growth of cob. Do repotting when the root is touching the edge pot, careful not to teralu many drop out of the root, replace the media with the old plant a new and sterilkan first.

5. Want a completely practical
Anthurium valuable only expensive, of course, is owned by the berduit which, of course, was busy in the day-to-day routines. In general, they only provide a practical chemical fertilizer in the package and leave the organic fertilizer. And usually because you want to Anthurium growing large chemical fertilizer to give them too much / over-dose. Organic fertilizer is also needed to look more cemerlangnya leaf Anthurium tongkolnya or productivity, and over-dose on the occurrence of chemical fertilizer is very fatal consequences. Keep using organic manure and chemical fertilizer use according to the recommended dose.

6. Can not distinguish variegata and disease
Often seen as the color of leaves yellow or white blind hobiis that the plants have a mutation variegata. Well a few days later they realized that the new interference caused by pests, fungus, or lack of the required elements. This is still going on, especially beginners who are not yet know about the actual variegata.

7. Forget to season in the sun
For the penghobi do not have a green house that meets the requirements with the umbrella shading net, Anthurium generally placed in the terrace or in a shady room in the house. Moreover, with many cases of theft of Anthurium anthuriumnya lost their fear and always put in the room regardless of the needs sunlight to photosynthesis. Diligent-rajinlah season Anthurium in the morning is often the more the better, to maintain freshness and color grows according roset expectations.

8. Too diligent leaf shine
Because Anthuriumnya want to always appear clean and beautiful, the leaves shine hobiis with liquid chemical pengkilap with intensity too often. To pengelapan actual day-to-day use enough water (mineral water packed), or water that has been diendapkan. With a special liquid Pengkilapan be conducted two weeks or once a month. If the result is too often akan terhambatnya process asimilasi photosynthesis and stomata on the leaves.

9. Treatment it is not suitable
The penghobi still many who do not know the difference between a disease caused fungus, worm, insects, bacteria or poor nutrition. So many treatments that do not fit that does not cause disease kunjung terobati. Identify the first cause and fungicide use, bakterisida, insecticide, or the provision of adequate nutrition. There is also the use antiseptic to treat the disease Anthurium, actually only a little effect on the bacteria alone can not completely eliminate the bacteria, fungus, mold and insect or worm.


Rabu, 26 Agustus 2009

Characteristics and the nature PLANTATION Adenium

Characteristics and the nature PLANTATION Adenium
Adenium, in Cambodia, Indonesia, known as Japan. Cambodia Japanese name itself is actually misleading, because it can diidentikkan with Cambodia, which are found in the burial area. Cambodia is actually kind of plumeria, distant relatives of Adenium. Some of the differences between Adenium with plumeria is as follows:
small trees with small leaves long.

Plumeria trunked small aft without form tubers, with the loop plant that can grow large and high, with the form of a long and large leaves.

Adenium originate from the dry desert sand, the land of the african. There is Sebutannya Roses Padang Pasir. Because the region comes from the dry, the plant is more like the condition of dry compared to the media is too wet.

Adenium that the root tubers are swell as the Roots store water when the swell is appear above ground will form an impression as unique bonsai. While the soft stem does not wooden, but it can get.
Adenium arabicum Adenium
Shoot-shoot can grow from the side shoots on the stem or leaf of the former fall. Eyes shoot side will function (growth) over the plant shoots when cut. This made people at the time mempruning, to get the new leaves and flowers so that more will appear later in unison.

Daun Adenium have variety, form oval, spiny, small and large, and have a fluffy, some are without fur. While Adenium flower shaped like a trumpet, valvate 5, with various colors depending on the type (varietasnya) respectively.

Adenium have 2 groups, namely groups of species (native species), and Variety (type of marriage and cross the human form to search for new).


Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

Pest Plant Adenium

Adenium plants during growth and development often get pest attacks. The incidence of pest attack is not separated from the factors: (1) the available food source, in this case is the plant itself and weeds, then (2) environment, in this season.

If both the above requirements is not met, then the pest will not breed. More in-depth review, which attacks the plant pest Adenium divided 2 seasons, namely dry season pests and rain. Pests that appear on the season: (1) Spider mites, (2) Thrips, (3) Mealybug and (4) Root Mealybug. While the pests that appear in the rainy season is a fungus Gnats.

As a note:

Pest-pest season will always be there when the plants Adenium dibudidayakan kept in the house even though plastic is in the rainy season, because in addition to the food source is available, ahot / warm support also.

Controlling weeds can be done manually with the hand or the revocation with the use of chemicals by using the systemic herbicide with the active material in accordance with the concentration Glifosat suggestion.

Control of pests with the chemical:

Spider Myte –

Agrimec / Bamex / Schumec (Abamectin active material): 0.25 – 0.5 ml / L

Kelthane / Dicofan (Dicofol active material): 0.5 – 1 ml / L

Demiter / Samite (Pyridaben active material): 0.5 – 1 ml / L

Talstar (Bifentrin active material): 0.5 – 1 ml / L

Mitac (Amitraz active material): 0.5 – 1 ml / L

Thrips and Mealybug

Pegasus (Diafentiuron active material): 0.5 – 1 ml / L

Confidor / Winder (Imidacloprid active material): 1 ml / L

Metindo (Metomil active material): 1 g / L

Regent (Fipronil active material): 1 ml / L

Agrimec / Bamex / Schumec (Abamectin active material): 0.25 – 0.5 ml / L

Root Mealybug

Diazinon / Sidazinon (Diazinon active material): 0.25 – 0.5 ml / L

Dursban (Chlorpyrifos active material): 0.25 – 0.5 ml / L

Fungus Gnats

Agrimec / Bamex / Schumec (Abamectin active material): 0.25 – 0.5 ml / L

Trigard (Cyromazine active material): 0.25 – 0.5 g / L

Calypso / Provado (Thiacloprid active material): 0.5 – 1 ml / L


When the going heavy attack, except Root Mealybug, spraying is done 1 week 2 times for 2 weeks, then 1 time for 1 week regular treatment.

Spraying pest pest adapted to the dominant appear.

Case Root Mealybug, sprinkling insecticide made 1 – 2 months.

Root Mealybug control than using the insecticide is to change the planting media every 6 months.


Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

Anthurium Plant

Anthurium Plant Cultivation

07%20048 Anthurium Plant
Anthurium is a tropical ornamental plant, has a high attraction as room decoration, because the form of leaves and flowers are beautiful, the Anthurium leaved
 Anthurium Plant is a beautiful native of Indonesia, while the interest rate cut to come from Europe.
In Indonesia there are not less than 7 types of Anthurium, Anthurium cyrstalinum namely (elephant ear), Anthurium pedatoradiatum (wali Songo), Anthurium andreanum,
Rafidooa Anthurium, Anthurium hibridum (elephant tongue), and makrolobum Anthurium Anthurium scherzerianum.
2009 01 TENERIFE%20241 tr Anthurium Plant
Anthurium 2 may be the way, the generative (seeds) and vegetative (stek).
1. Multiplication with a generative (seed)
Anthurium plants have 2 kinds of flowers (Figure 1), namely male flowers and female flowers. Interest marked by the male stamen, while the female flowers by the mucus. Seeds obtained by cross male flowers and female flowers.
By using jentik, flower essence and taken to be smeared on the average interest rate of mucus in the female. Approximately 2 months later, the interest
generated already cooked, in many Anthurium seed. Seeds are peeled, washed until clean and diangin-anginkan, then ditabur
in the medium ground smooth. Placed on the seedbed moist conditions and
always disiram.
2. With the vegetative multiplication (stek)
There are 2 ways of vegetative multiplication, namely stek stem stek eyes and shoot.
How to increase the stek stem is cut off the top of the plant (stem) with the 1 – 3 roots, the top of the plants’ that have been cut and planted, grown on a medium that has been prepared (Figure 2). On the multiplication of the shoot is to take one’s eyes on the branch, and then planting the shoots grow in the medium
which has been prepared (Figure 3). How Tabur stek and seeds are presented in
Figure 4.

PENYIAPAN Medium growth
Based on usage, growth medium is divided into 2 types, the hotbed for the growing medium and plants for the adults. Growth medium consisting of a mixture of humus, manure and sand time. Humus
or forest land, and manure that had already been in the sieve with a sieve size of 1 cm, while the sands of time in the sieve with 3 mm sieve size.
Humus, manure and sand that have been times in sieve, mixed with a comparison of 5: 5: 2. For seedbed, growing medium should be sterilized with the vapor for one hour.

Anthurium flowers to plant, can be used pot soil, pot or plastic pot straso. The pot is good pot has a lot of land because the pore-pore that can permeate the air from outside of the pot. When the pot is still new, need to pot soaked in water for 10 minutes. The bottom of the pot given the precarious fraction / pot the curve, and then on top of bills, given the brick setebal 1 / 4 high pot. Medium to grow a mixture of humus, manure and sand times included in the pot (Figure 5).

After planting, the plants are kept flush with the 1 – 2 times a day. Leaves that are old or damaged due to pests and diseases, crop plants that are clean and attractive. This plant should be kept in
shade because plants do not hold direct sunlight.


Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

How to Get Giant Adenium

Adenium large can only be obtained with the requirements as follows: Being from plants that have good genes. Please note that, like humans, also carry genes Adenium-gen from the mother. Not all the seeds that come from Adenium Adenium seed indukan the same time, can grow to be large even huge, although originating from the same indukan. So that the selection of seeds derived from indukan very well that is absolutely needed.

Adenium Tips select bakalan: To select seed, steps that must be done, when to buy or select a set of seeds from Adenium the same parent group, first select the group that it has the most growth bongsor and healthy.
Adenium multiflorum+%28sabi star%29 Giant Adenium
Maintenance 3 years since the first seeding time is important in the development and spur the growth of seeds Adenium maximally. Re-election, the way of maintenance, environmental factors such as media selection, the availability of elements burly and fertilization, the appropriate container, sprinkling, humidity and sunlight intensity is the most important key in efforts menggenjot growth potential we Adenium giant. Patience and patience are also key. In Indonesia, we met a lot of Giant Size Adenium huge that he also tens of years, with the high reaching 3.5 meters in circumference and tuber roots and stem to reach over 1 meter (with an average diameter above 40 cm).

adenium Giant Adenium


Selasa, 18 Agustus 2009

More Adenium Nursery

Adenium planting with the root is below the normal mah. Unusual, to plant roots with Adenium above. In fact the view Adenium enchain, unique and experimental. Secretly many peminatnya. But how to make? What risk? Read this article only.
1. Roots behind the criteria is the most experimental, but the tune hobiis by a large bernyali for mentrain outgrowth adeniumnya. Behind the root of the style dominating this hump that grows naturally in the soil.
Growth is likely straight minimal curvature. Decision to use this style more on the condition that the root tuber is planted with a less interesting style of any.

Style is back with the root of the reverse way, so that the ends of the roots will be in the top, while the embedded batanglah hump. exotic forms often appear as a result of the decline to the end of the mengerucut roots. Plus the curve a little kurva, similar blade keris.

Training that is often heavy enough to fail, because the reverse process of growth Adenium drastically, especially tunasnya growth. Often also hump before the shoot but did not grow up in a very long time, like a stone in the growing kerakap

2. Mendisplay way behind the vertical, much mengadaptasikan with merebahkannya horizontal, but less mnonjolkan impression eksotisnya – appear normal-normal saja.

3. In the style of this request is not limited the number of roots, one root of a behind the toss as the keris is eligible. More roots will produce the very exotic. combination of height from the root of each root will increase the assessment.

4. Requirements that must be met, must be the root of mengerucut up from the stem tuber is planted, and over until the end of the root. Use the root of the straight with a relatively large the same, is not tolerated because it does not show the beauty.

5. Shoot growth can be started from the stem tuber roots, and leave the tuber tuber root of the flare-up. Arranged so that the branching does not cover the tuber or the root. considerable effort may be if the background.

6. Many hobiis menggrafting the tip of the root-edge. This also allowed. risk faced only on the slow growth of grafting.

7. The use of container plant / pot, considering the planting of a vertical tower to the top, should be kesembangannya using the pot in a little. The form of pot should not be too wide, size 5 above root tuber. So between stem tuber and pot edge not leaving empty space that is too many.

8. The root of the potential behind this many found everywhere. Hobiis courage to try, try also frequently seen, but considering the style of the root of the criteria have not been behind normal, a lot of errors that occur within the implement.


Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

Adenium Pests and Diseases

Adenium oleifolium Adenium  Pests and Diseases

Maintenance Adenium often face a trial that makes us not only the breast stroke for the beginner, but also laborers experienced by most, even though the plant rarely fell ill Adenium Pests and Diseases.

Efforts made to prevent the occurrence of Pests and Diseases is: with the external environment to maintain cleanliness around the implant Adenium, both from insects, dirt, or weeds that are pests and disease vectors. Supervision since the early environmental conditions and early symptoms, it is very important since the early efforts to prevent the growth of pests and diseases. Kelembapan planting media and the environment are also important effort, with the environmental conditions and the distance of the plant will result in the plant will get the light intensity of the sun to grow enough so that the process can be optimized.

In addition, the internal treatment of plant, including sprinkling, fertilization is very influential in the development of the plant. Healthy plants tend to be less affected by the disease.

A. Pests

a. Aphid
Pest infestation in the form of yellow that are on the leaflet. The leaves fell ill grow akan not perfect and tend to curl.
Ways of using insecticides, such as Dursban, Demiter. This insecticide is a combination of contact between the killing and disturbing nervous. That is, when this insecticide on insects, dead insects akan directly, but if the insect does not die, die akan reproduksinya ability, can be cut off so that the insect life cycle. Insecticide is used in a way disemprotkan to the plants that fell ill aphid.

b. Nematoda
Nematoda generally found in the media often fostered the planting of the enclosure. Damage to the plant level that are caused by severe sekresi saliva into the plant diinjeksikan time nematoda bite or eat the plants. This process can result in death or the strength of the root and shoot lost, injury form, the plant network and tumefy broken.
How Penanggulangan nematoda can be done with the eject / besprinkle Furadan or nematisida Dazomet 98% with the dose in accordance with the recommendation.

c. Fungus Gnat
Fungus gnat is a pest of the mosquito-like black. Target pest is a flower.
Symptoms: the flowers fell ill marked with the black spot in kuncupnya. Some of the old and the flower bud will rot and fall.
How to handle: using insecticides, such as dursban or Proleaf the disemprotkan to the plants that fell ill.

d. Root Mealy Bug
Pest infestation of hair like this, but white, and generally found in the media that lembap plant. The plant may experience fading serangannya shoots with the root of corruption.
Penanggulan ways: using the recommended combination nematisida, insecticide, and fungicide, such as Diazinon with disiramkan way to the media because the source of planting it in the media hiding in the plant or the plant to replace the entire media with new media the plant sterile. Plants previously dicelukan to rendaman insecticide solution.

e. Mealy Bug
Mealy Bug infestation is a white, and found in the axilla and leaf leaflet. Lice have a similar meal. This attack lice cause abnormal growth into shoots. Penanggulangan way: with a squirt insecticide such as Diazinon or Proleaf the disemprotkan to the plants exposed to attack.

f. Ant
Ant nest is often in the media or under the plant pot, so that it can damage the roots and shoots Adenium. This can disrupt the growth of Adenium. ant is a vector of disease.
Way of: soaking the pot in water to Adenium menyiramnya or use drugs antisemut.

g. Spider Mite
Pests red likes to burrow under the leaf and the leaf axilla.
Symptoms: The leaves that fell ill akan mat.
Penanggulangan ways: using akarisida, for example Kelthane.

h. Thrips
Black lice move this fast.
Symptoms: It can be seen on the flowers that are still closed, so that the interest and failed to become dry.
Penanggulangan way: with a squirt insecticide, such as Detimer, which disemprotkan exposed to the attacks.


a. Root decay
Root decay is a disease that can be experienced by anyone, do not worry if he is very experienced, beginners or unless we are only planting the finger in a matter of Adenium. To understand clearly the causes, and ways of saving steps can be seen on page Busuk Roots Adenium Medicine

b. Withered shoots
Shoots due to fading caused by the fusarium fungus.
Symptoms: The affected plants withered in the bud shoots leaf akan black and rot. If you fell ill Adenium shoots, growth will automatically stop.
How Penanggulangan: inject with fungicide.

c. Pomopsis
Disease that attacks the surface of the leaves often appear during the rainy season.
Symptoms: The leaves that fell ill and kecokelatan akan colored rot.
Penanggulangan way: with a squirt fungicide


Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

How to Choose Aglaonema

 Aglaonema Plant
Aglaonema Before buying, it’s good we understand that the goods will be purchased. Because basically, Aglaonema have some advantages and special characteristics. Handle local and imported aglo also different. There are suggestions, not just see the leaves, but also the root of the condition.
Buy plants idol is easy-easy to difficult, including the purchase Aglaonema. His Pamor Aglaonema a month later the ‘move up’. Aglaonema Before buying, we should understand that the goods will be purchased. Because basically, Aglaonema have some advantages and special characteristics, to a rare if not inadvertent result in a collection of others.
Aglonema1 Aglaonema Plant
At this time, if specified there are three groups of Aglaonema obtained in a normal market, that is Aglaonema silangan non-local, local, and imported silangan. According to an Aglaonema Indonesia, Gregori Garnadi Hambali, now found in Banjarbaru Kalimantan Selatan (South Kalimantan) has not been this long, actually have more non-local Aglaonema silangan from outside (usually from the United States and Belandan). Only ketetatnya bureaucracy and move sistematika hands, making it difficult to type this out.

Most important is to know the characteristics of the several classes of these Aglaonema. Useful addition for the maintenance and care, this step can minimize post-purchase disappointment plant (due to rapid death or disease often). Aglaonema silangan imports, according to Greg, this type of manifestation often with the fantastic.
Fred%20sumatra Aglaonema Plant
That marked the occurrence of the color-contrast colors, like yellow and red colors to solid one. Since most of the culture produced by the network (the majority of Thailand’s products as the country’s largest importer Aglaonema Indonesia), generally this type of leaf has a thin seed cultivation rather than results. Keistimewaannya However, this type of leaf surface structure has a more smooth.

Some people thought, the leaves can be thin so thick when brought to Indonesia. The influence of season, is suspected melatar-belakangi this development leaves. In general, in terms of aesthetics Aglaonema import silangan far superior. Only because dibudidaya instantly and not through the method pemuliaan the long term, not susceptible of this type of rare disease. Not infrequently, this type also been outbreaks of a disease that is ready to spread to other Aglaonema collection.

“Be careful to give Aglaonema import. If in doubt, use an adequate quarantine system until it is sterile Aglaonema’s disease. Quarantine system manifold, can use the desin-sektan or spase apart the new Aglaonema come, “said Greg.

To ensure plant health, try to not only see the leaves of the interesting, but also the root and stem down. As more is found in root rot and stem down, the plant is not healthy.
Aglaonema Local Silangan

Aglaonema second type is local silangan. This type of rock is usually more resistant when compared with the type of import. Do not want to lose the type of import, the type of local silangan is very strong in terms of color composition. Gradient color and a new base, make motifnya interesting. Most simple example we can see from silangan fenomenal Aglaonema Pride of Sumatra (POS).

Leaves thick so that the next singularity, although the leaves are not the type of leaf structure sehalus Aglaonema selangan import. Some types are often vulnerable due to sickness virus. Preparation that is not perfect genes suspected to be the background this phenomenon. However, in general, rarely Aglaonema silangan local pain such as Aglaonema silangan import.

Although local berembel addition, do not underestimate in terms of price. Section, if viewed from perputarannya results silangan first type can be valued up to Rp 50 million. This often happens in the collection of Greg dipinang other collectors. Choosing this type of quality is basically the same as the import Aglaonema silangan. Leaf, root, stem and bottom of the shaft so that need not terlewatkan. Try to see the root of that has been stuck in the pot. The more rare and decayed plant is healthy omen.
Aglaonema Local

Aglaonema last type is local. Although the first Dilirik rare and only exists as indukan enabled, but the lover of this type is now gathering popularity. Even do not want to lose, Aglaonema owners who dominated most of the color green and white this is the performance of each register with a dentist Aglaonema contest was held.

Because if we discuss the color, type, less telak with this type of silangan local and imported. Generally, this type has advantages in the form of leaves. Large leaves and various forms of taper is a form which is often found on local Aglaonema. As they often have been found and familiar life in India, many of this type is found everywhere, and amounted to much, so that in the case of this type of price are the most inexpensive type rather than the previous two.

“On the market, local Aglaonema aged adults who have often sold a maximum of Rp 500 thousand (for plants that have not been winning the contest). If you have felt a degree, so the price rise twice about Rp 10 million per pot, “said Zainudin M, and Lovers Kolektor Aglaonema Local Banjarbaru in South Kalimantan.

See if the disease attacks from viruses and bacteria, most of this type of rock resistant. But generally, if a natural enemy to see, so often Aglaonema local fine cuisine insects and fungi, so if you decide to buy this type, try the leaves have not even used to have a few fungi and insects or insect eggs-eggs which is attached. [adi]

Local differentiate with Import

This step was taken to distinguish which type of local Aglaonema shipped from overseas with the process of network culture. Indeed, at this time to get local Aglaonema great appreciation, particularly from the work of Greg Hambali. However the case, the production in the country are still not able to meet the market demand is large.

For developers, the way a traditional culture, to get new seeds require a long time. Meanwhile, to do with mass culture propagation network is still little that can make it. While the culture so the only way the mass and breeding Unfortunately the local ornamental plant industry is less able to catch this opportunity. Finally, like Thailand did not want to be the main goal Aglaonema find the product generated by the nation’s children.

Aglaonema fortunate results of the culture network through imports – although of the same – but have different characters. To distinguish the local Aglaonema be naturally or through stek Aglaonema cangkok with the culture of the network, according to M Siregar – Penghobi Ornamental Plants in Banjarmasin South Kalimantan, it was easy. Reasonable, because the experienced penghobi not difficult, but another story for beginners.

“Most easily see the structure of the color red so typical local products,” Siregar demolished.

For natural products, the color red that can appear bright and firm, especially to the back of the leaf, leaf stalk, and leaf motif on the surface. This condition is different from the results of the culture that has a more pale color. Dull here still give the impression red, but not so bright.

Then the most easily seen is the size of the leaves smaller than the type of local. A comparison is difficult, because it must first see the local Aglaonema. But also can be seen from the old leaves on the bottom. When the older leaves is much smaller than the new leaves, it’s so typical of the culture of the network. But do not worry when you get a product culture, because when the new shoots grow, the quality Anakan akan Aglaonema with the same local. For, already through multiplication naturally. [wo2k]

Making Aglaonema Berharga Mahal

Benchmark price for some types of Aglaonema, of matters related to the maximum display. During the existence of this import Aglaonema can disejajarkan with local species. Only the variants for the type of import is more variety, so that the presence ornamental plants khasanah enrich the country.

“Basically, all the plants that have economic value. Only the low-to high-depends on the enchantment that is displayed, “Greg supplement.

Aglaonema species to control imports is still strong enough. Because the diversity of species that are displayed, so that consumers also have many alternatives to choose, such as price Aglaonema silangan from Thailand that has a legacy name market, the prices are high dipatok, namely Rp 500 thousand per plant, or even this price can be higher.

That depends on the looks, the more berkarakter where it will affect the selling value. This is related to the aesthetic value, trends, and scarcity. It seems to make the plants appear prime not so difficult that one thing done, which will display the maximum impact on the high economic value. Want to know tips to make pesonanya appear ciamik, Aglaonema for both types of local or imported.

Special Penghobi

There are several criteria to be expensive to make valuable plants with optimal viewing. Main problem is scarcity, uniqueness, terawatt, and trends – where penghobi here as the end user not only assess the plant’s price, but more charm to the entire plant.

1. Rare
Scarcity of factors can trigger the expensive plants. This scarcity can be caused from the difficulty dikembang-culture, still less to sell because the plant is not a trend or a lot, but it did not want to release. So can be categorized as rare, and rare in the market, because the hard-dikembang culture.

2. Unique
All plants have a unique and no difference between one another. Unique but are typically light and different from the original.

In the market, the technical term variegata and mutation.
Sometimes there is also a mention albino. Most of the plants produced from seed variegata. Mutation is a deviation occurs, because the intervention of the (virus or disease because of factors other congenital) or human intervention. Normal with known genetic engineering.

3. Optimal treatment
Terawat plant that will have both a good and healthy. Because terawat, the form of leaf, stem, flower and so more beautiful. Plants that are expensive if not well akan recede. For example, the Aglaonema leaves damaged, must not be included in the assessment. It was also associated with the simultaneity of the leaves to add value.

4. Reading Trends
Like fashion, plants have their own trends. While the trend down, the plant will automatically go down in value. Depreciation is not because the plant is not unique or not terawat, but because it is absolutely legal market.

5. Know the Law Market
Time or trends are indeed rare, then the stock is usually not comparable with the request. Appropriate legal market, the price Take. This occurred in the natural world ornamental plants, according to the rotating cycle.

For Merchants

Can not be denied, the traders in the hope that more profit oriented. However, it does not mean do not take into account the quality of goods. This is what most people want to do even if it is not easy to do so. Crops can be made so expensive if you want to do the following:

1. Caring for plants with good
This is absolute. Plants that terawat either kasat akan beautiful eyes. Even though just the usual crop sansiviera there in the street, if treated well will have a higher value. Care is to provide a good place (and the media pot), making a treatment plant if the leaves have a value in the leaves, giving the right fertilizer, replace the media when needed, and health continue to check periodically. In this case also the formation process can be done, so that the form of a more beautiful and compact.

2. Collection of unique and rare plants
Sometimes unique plant species and rare and not-expensive spot price when buying. Unique selection of plants can be done around the seedling plants in the garden tub. Unique seeds can usually be detected starting at the age of a young seedling. For rare plants can hunt directly to the area concerned. Rare plants are usually hard to find in nurseri usual. If there is desperation and a little capital, can only directly to the search nurseri abroad. Can purchase via the Internet or directly to the location.

3. Pintar trends predicted plant
In this case, the ability to rely more on insting, namely with the increase of the reference plant species, both from the media or form a community that many in each city. Only note that the trends of the plant usually revolve. So if the trend behind – no problem – yet later picked up the plants we can ride.


Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Kind of Palem Tree

palem kuning 7rb Palem  Plant
Who did not know palm trees? Almost all people, young-old, know this one plant. Easily planted, easy care. If only first planted around the house or ornamental plants in the room, now also in the edge-edge way. Palemnya type of tree is more diverse in the palm tree seller. There are various types of palm on palm trees seller we know that. Some of them are:
- Palem Kuning
Have a latin name Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Hyophorbe commersoniana, Hyophorbe indica, Areca palm, or areca lutescens. Merumpun growth, at 50-150 cm, rounded stem, beruas closed joint-pelepah leaf and stalk Tuscan (being a bit green). Compound leaves composed of curved and blade-blade leaves the child, and is located in pairs on the leaf stalk mother.
863645 palemanggur Palem  Plant
- Palem Ekor Fish
Called the fish tail palm (caryota plumos) in the palm seller, because it leaves the form of fish-like tails. Leaf edge beringgit like fish tails, leaves skin shine with the bone-bone that leaves menyirip. Leaves bright green color, length 20 cm and 15 cm wide. Higher plants can reach 3 meters more.

- Kol Palem
Appropriate name, sadeng palm tree from this seller have a fan-shaped leaves with a bending-bending-wave such as cabbage leaves (kobis). When planted in the house, the high could reach 3 meters. Leaves 40-50 cm long, and 60-70 cm wide. Color of leaves in the bottom of the light green, while at the top of the green.

- Palem Fan
Name (Livistona chinensis) in the seller is not separated from the palm leaf form. A similar half-circle fan open. Diameter leaf around 30-50 cm. This palm is one of the palm is the most durable in the room. Can reach a height of 10 meters. Appear beautiful when the plants are still at an altitude of less than 2 meters.

- Palem Wregu
The form of palm leaves wregu (Rhapis excelsa, R.aspera, R.humilis) the seller is almost like a tree with palm fan, but the color of shiny dark green leaves. Stem form of small rounded, beruas-segment, such as bamboo. Trunk young closed fiber such as brown hair.

- Palem Raja
King palm or palm sadeng who planted many come from Cuba, which is Roystone regia, R.buringuena, and R.elata. Palm is also known by the name of the Royal palm. Stem solid form, with the high reaching 25 meters more. Usually planted as roadside decoration.

- Palem Putri
As King palm, palm Putri often planted in the street. King palm-like shapes, but the green color of leaves more and more wide. Palem is shipped from Madagascar.

- Palem red
Keistimewahannya located on pelepah and a red bone. To maintain the red color, should be planted in the open around the page. Red palm is native Indonesia, among others, can be obtained in Kalimantan, in the lowland swamp forest up to 500 meters above sea level.

- Palem bottles
They simply bait, rod under bubble, while the narrow top of the stem, so that similar bottles. Tajuknya slow growth and narrow. Among the many types of palm, bottle palm always on the consumers, even a symbol often used as social-economic status.


Rabu, 12 Agustus 2009

Caring Palem

6187 palem Palem  Plant

In order for you to tempt the palm, do the following treatment:

Undertake appropriate needs. Avoid not to cause water.

Do once a month during the rainy season. In the dry season, the growth of palm tree is not active because the period of rest. Therefore, do not need fertilization. Give 0,5 – 1 kg NPK per plant if higher plants less than 2 meters, or 1 – 2 kg of NPK per plant if the high reaches 3 meters more.

soft material anting putri nolina dan palem sinensis Palem  Plant

Pengepotan back
If the root of the palm in a pot and the ball has been formed to meet all volume pot, do pengepotan again. That is good in the wet season.

Which is often pest grasshopper (Valanga nigricans). Symptoms, does not appear to bite at the leaves regularly, even locusts can be sustained bites to the bone only remaining leaves. To address them, dispose of locusts in the trees, can also disemprot with 2 cc / liter Basudin 90 SC.

Is a disease that often leaves The speck. The fungus Fusarium sp. or gloesporium sp. Symptoms, there is The speck on the leaves yellow or green. The long run, The speck of light is used to leave the black, gray, and brown. To overcome this, cut the leaves fell ill. But if the attack late great, spray with Difolatan 4F or Dithane M45.


Selasa, 11 Agustus 2009

How Caring Sansivera

Sansivera Plant

 Sansivera Plant

Sansivera plant also called a tongue-law is a favorite indoor plant lovers. Plant this one tend to like the character from the moist to dry conditions. Karana have to make the nature of this relatively resistant sansiviera longer be in the room.

Key so that the plant is capable of long-lived, is planting the appropriate media. Select a planting medium sand, husk, manure and soil with the comparison 2:2:0,5:1.

You can also use the formula as the planting medium sand, husk fuel, and fern, with a comparison of 1:1:1. Media such as charcoal or tumbuk, raw bran, compost leaves, cocopeat, with a little land. Media planting this will ensure smooth drainage so that the atmosphere does not lembap.

Do not forget, let styrofoam, gravel rough, frayed fraction / brick in the bottom of a pot to reduce the risk of a dense media, and save water too much. And when the plants start growing slowly or have started solid media, do the replacement of the media or do repotting.

For sprinkling, Sansevieria unnecessary disiram too often. Fair or 2 times a week when the media has seen dried. Fertilization for the type of plant is intended to spur growth and reduce stress when it is in the room.

Make fertilization with NPK 2:1:2 way ditabur or disemprot. Tabur slow release fertilizer (such as dekastar) can be done every 6 months. Fertilizer sprayer give 1-2 hours once when outside the room.
While in the room, Sansevieria dibasuh also need the drugs pengilap leaves. This drug useful for cleaning dust, the rest of the fertilizer, pesticides, and pests. Fair use only in time will be displayed in the room so that more interesting appearance.


Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

How To Plant Adenium 2

1. Main principles of good planting medium is porous and has a good permeability. Some of the planting media that can be used, among other cocopeat, husk fuel, compost, humus, dried bamboo leaves, peat moss, sand times, and transversal sand. Select media based on the mixture for ease of access.
Picture+015 Adenium Plant

Example seedling mix media, among others:
Cocopeat: husk fuel: sands of time with the comparison of 2: 2: 1
Sands of time: husk fuel: kapok / cotton with a comparison of 3: 3: 1
Sands of time: roasted husk: compost / humus with a comparison of 1: 1: 2

2. Adenium seed planting is done by seed sink horizontally in the planting medium with a depth of approximately 1 cm.

3. Make a sprinkling until evenly wet 2 times a day until a sprout (approximately 5 – 7 days since planting).

4. When the first leaf has emerged, reduce to 1 x sprinkling a day to Adenium seeds aged 3 months and is ready to move in an individual pot. Each time sprinkling the media do to become wet but does not tarnish.

5. Seedling Fertilizer Growite be applied after the seeds Adenium to grow at least 4 leaves. Fertilizer can be given to the way the spray to leaves. (Pupuk not burn the leaves) with a measure of the time and place.


Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

Adenium Magenta Color Flower

A. First swazicum disilangkan with A. boehmianum. Resulting from the generation kesatu: eye of the storm or the beauty of taiwan. First generation disilangkan again with A. obesum ‘white’. The result, siautientien on the second generation and the generations to Marmora-3. Marmora disilangkan generation back with harry potter so get white motif with a red splash of purple shaft.
So the fact

VIOLET Adenium Magenta Color Flower Adenium tricolor motif Godongijo the property nurseri akan released 2 months was already predicted. Similar to the occurrence of the harry potter, double flowers, and yellow. Five years ago, together with colleagues in Handry Semarang Adenium never predict the future patterns have 2 or more colors.

To get flower color in the Apocynaceae family members, their cross A. obesum and A. swazicum with A. somalense var crispum. Unfortunately less quickly, before getting the desired results such as, in 2003 Taiwan ‘birth’ harry potter.


Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Unique Adenium form

Currently, fans Adenium look at the bonsai-like style with the benefits of feature-tuber and stem a beautiful header. Stem tuber under the curl, without a neat feature leaves, flowers and beautiful color every now longed Adenium Arabicum. This unique figure as feasible and be admired not invite rarely click amazed that view.
adenium bonggol Unique Adenium form

“The beauty of this is to make Adenium figures no longer enjoy the beautiful flowers, but it also forms a balanced composition, the proportion of canopy, stem, and the unique bonggolnya,” Dedi’s Sudiana Persada Adenium Nursery in Cibinong, Bogor.

According to Dedi, Adenium type knob that is be a lot of types of Adenium Arabicum because this is often used as the stem down. Adenium Arabicum including rare species. They are very exotic because large stem with many branches. “No wonder if Arabicum now become the prey maniak Adenium. Moreover, of the dwarf or kuntet, “he added.

With the noose and kuntet many short branches at the knob underneath the fat, Arabicum very interesting and classic look. With these kekuntetannya Arabicum this does not establish branches on high, but the knob beneath akan broad-contraction with the contraction of the more impressive to look exotic. Even the characters can be Arabicum this determines the quality and measurements.

To make Arabicum style bonsai, and beginners can start from seed or buy Anakan Adenium diameter knob with about 20 cm. “What many are at this time, the Petch Na Wang, Yak Saudi, Bu Ri barrel, and Sing Bu Ri,” a Dedi.

To buy Anakan, Dedi suggest, select plants that have formed at least five branches and symmetrical with the crown-shaped knob down (coudex) that fat branch with green stem. After six months, akan coudex form is more stable. “Living on how to make the big kekerdilannya so that will affect future growth,” he said.


Kamis, 06 Agustus 2009

More About Adenium Nursery

20071022110812 AzaleaBonsai2 Adenium Pink Flower
Characteristics and the nature PLANTATION Adenium

Adenium originate from the dry desert sand, the land of the african. There is Sebutannya Roses Padang Pasir. Because the region comes from the dry, the plant is more like the condition of dry compared to the media is too wet. In general Adenium akan flowering plants all year round (not the season, and flowering in the wet and dry days).

Adenium that the root tubers are swell as the water and store food reserves. The large bonggolnya (caudex) also reserve the more food for growth, so that large plants are more easy to be flowering at the same time the number of bud that much.

Shoot-shoot can grow from the side shoots on the stem or leaf of the former fall. Eyes shoot side will function (growth) over the plant shoots when cut. This made people at the time mempruning, to get the new leaves and flowers so that more will appear later in unison.

Daun Adenium have variety, form oval, spiny, small and large, and have a fluffy, some are without fur. While Adenium flower shaped like a horn, usually valvate 5, with various colors depending on the type (varietasnya) respectively.

Caring AND PLANTATION lend Adenium
Adenium flower so that easy, to be performed include the sprinkling treatment, fertilization, pruning, and the media The pot plant, and pest and disease control in an integrated fashion. Things to note are as follows:

A. Embed media.
Media work for the plant:
- Place the root of plant growth
- Cantilever plants that grow well
- The provider of water and fertilizer

Media planting must have a good terms as follows:
- Not a pest, and seedlings free of weeds and disease.
- Ability to accommodate the water, but also able to remove / drain the excess water.

- Crumb and porous, so the roots can grow and develop the planting media penetrate easily.
- Degree acidity (pH) between 6.0 to 6.5 so that all elements of fertilizer can be absorbed and well balanced, especially fertilizer dephosphorize who works for pemacu flowering can be absorbed well.


Senin, 03 Agustus 2009

Japanese Maple Flower

Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum 'Orange Dream'
(AY-ser) (Pahl-May-tum)
Japanese Maple Flower
It is a relatively new cultivar of Japanese maple. It is quite surprising for two when the foliage emerges and fall. Its foliage is a beautiful green during the summer. It grows about 15 feet and green bark. The bark is nice because it is a revenge on the foliage. I found some variation in the new color. This was particularly pronounced yellow with a red stripe on the tip of the leaves, but I have also seen specimens that emerge more orange.
Japanese Maple Flower
It was a nice group of daffodils, I saw yesterday. The type of color corresponding to the 'Orange Dream'. I was fortunate to get about 10 or 12 good photos yesterday. I do not think I'll have the camera now for 1 to 2 inches of rain is expected here. Certainly we need, because everything was really dry. I have a couple of appointments and to finish my paperwork today.


Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

Geranium ‘Stephanie’ Flowers

Geranium 'Stephanie'

Geranium Stephanie  Flowers

This is another beautiful hybrid perennial Geranium. It was developed from a seedling at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Scotland and is a cross between Geranium peloponnesiacum and G. renardii. They like moist sites and full amount but I was raised in less than ideal conditions and was pleased with them. This cultivar is very floriferous and can rebloom later in the season with a little light shearing after the first wave of flowers.

Geranium Stephanie  Flowers

I know that last Sunday, I said I was going to work this Sunday, but oh well. I have a job I will finish today, which is always a plus. I have a couple of appointments, too. Planting work goes well on Saturday and we got everything in. I need a couple more trees and mulch, and that some work will be finished too.

It was fun to see the daisy in a sea of Alyssum. I would have a greater angle to show the 100 apartments Alyssum d '.

Geranium Stephanie  Flowers


Dahlia ‘Bishop of York’

Dahlia 'Bishop of York'

Peach Rose

I planted dahlias in the garden of Claire, the other day. For the first time in 24 years, I bought some pre-finished, rather than potted plants the tubers in early spring. It was just the kind of year. I bought 12 different types and one of three sheets varieites dark. It is amazing to me so I can not wait until we have more deeply into the season. Having always admired the leaves bronze (bronze is the leaf, the dark purple leaves or leaves in the right way to refer to?) Varieties, I am pleased to finally try some. I had a couple of the other bishop, series and I am sure you will soon see them here, but this is my favorite.

Peach Rose

Apparently, there is no "the Bishop of York" in real life, only an archbishop. This variety was hybridized by Van Der Linden, Netherlands, and was introduced in 2002.

I have another big day planned. I have three meetings with people and probably not do much gardening.

Peach Rose


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